The Art of Waiting

I have been off-line for a while but by the Holy Spirit’s prompting, I am back.  During this time my family and I have gone through an extensive remodel of our home in preparation to sell it.  We are now at the end of the selling and buying process.  It has been and still is a journey.  In this journey,  the word of the Lord has been “Wait”.  My question to Him was, “How do I wait?” and “What does it look like?”  Have you  ever wondered what “waiting” looked like?  Do I sit still and do nothing until the breakthrough comes or the promise is fulfilled?  Is it like standing in line at the post office or the DMV?  Is it like sitting in a quiet place waiting to hear from God or worshiping in church in expectation of a move of His presence?   What does it look like?

Scripture has a lot to say about waiting on God.  There are a couple that inspired me.

Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart;  Wait, I say, on the LORD! (Psalms 27:14 NKJV)

They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;  they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary;  they will walk and not faint.  (Isaiah 40:31 KJV)

Both verses contained precious promises.  The first verse has a command  – “Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage.”  It is a command that is followed by a promise – “He shall strengthen your heart.”  This verse closes a Psalm where the Psalmist is seeking to overcome the fear by declaring his safe position in God’s care.  On the basis of who God is and what He has done for the Psalmist in the past,  he encourages himself to put his trust in God and wait for the victory over his adversaries. The word “strengthen” is the idea of being made steadfast, courageous, obstinate in one’s faith and trust in the Lord.  Notice that Psalms 27 says that God will give us that  as we wait on Him.

The second verse, Isaiah 40:31, is full of promises to those who wait upon the Lord.  They all are derived from the first promise – “Shall renew their strength.”  The New American Standard Bible (NASB) reads -“Will gain new strength.”  It is better translated that way because the word “renew” used in the New King James Version (NKJV) indicates a strength that is brand new from another source.  It is not a person getting their own strength back but instead it is receiving strength beyond what they ever had.  A strength that is new and fresh from an outside source. The source is God who is all powerful, eternal and whose might never diminishes (everlasting).  From that place of strength the other promises – mount up with wings, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint – become a reality.  So, as we wait on the Lord we gain endurance and might to press through any situation.

So, waiting on the Lord brings steadfast faith and trust in the Lord and the power to endure and press through any situation.  That is great!!!  The question still remains, however, how do we wait on the Lord?  What does that look like?

When I asked the Lord that question the answer I got was, “Occupy till I come.”  My next question was, “What does that mean?”  I was reminded that it was from a Bible verse in Luke 19:13 in the KJV.  It is in a parable that Jesus told about a nobleman who went away to receive a kingdom and left money in the care of his servants. He assigned a certain amount to each and said “Occupy till I come.” This what I heard in my spirit.  So, the meaning is found in the same statement translated in the NASB version.  It reads, “Do business with this till I come back.”  That version coupled with the context of the parable itself gives the meaning of what God was saying to me.

He was saying to continue to use the gifts, talents and resources to carry out the responsibilities that He has given me.  That parable is about being a steward of what has been given till the master returns.  I am to keep teaching, keep serving my family, keep doing the works that God has given me to do while I wait for the victory to be manifested.   Don’t let fear or anxiety paralyze me.  Trust God to do what only He can do and receive His power to keep doing what He has given me to do.

The waiting is NOT passive but it is ACTIVE as we continue to do what He has assigned us to do.  God is working in ways we cannot see.  Keep living, keep loving, keep serving, keep obeying, remain faithful to your obligations and responsibilities and He will strengthen your heart and empower you as you wait for the change to come.

Even now I wait.


Author: Shermaine Jones

Shermaine Jones is a wife and mother of two adult sons. She is an Academic Dean and Professor at Tidewater Bible College in Virginia Beach, VA and a contributing author to Chavera Magazine (an online women's magazine). She has published a book entitled "From Darling to Destiny: Parenting on Purpose for God's Divine Purpose." It can be found on Amazon and Kindle.